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How To Choose The Sex Of Your Baby:
Celebrating 50+ Years In Print.


The Method That Has Stood
the Test of Time
and Is Best Supported
by the Scientific Evidence


Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., Ph.D.
and David M. Rorvik

Over The Years, Many Different Publications Featured The Shettles Method Book: Look Magazine, Omni Magazine, Parents Magazine.

How to Choose The Sex Of Your Baby

The Shettles Method Best Supported by Scientific Evidence

Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., Ph.D.,
and David M. Rorvik



We dedicate this book to our readers and to couples every-where who seek to choose the sex of their offspring. We dedicate this book, as well, to the growing number of doctors and researchers who share our belief that sex-selection technologies are, on balance, a force for good-helping to produce happier families and healthier societies.


Over the past fifty years, thousands of couples have turned to the Shettles method in hopes of choosing the sex of their baby. And thousands have been blessed with the boy or girl they'd hoped for. Research has shown that, properly applied, the Shettles method gives couples at least a 75 percent chance of having a child of the desired sex. Some researchers have reported success rates up to 90 percent!

Many sex selection methods have come and gone, but the Shettles method - constantly under scrutiny and continually refined - has endured. In this revised edition, Dr. Shettles weighs the pros and cons of increasing sophistication in clinical tests, presents information on new ovulation-timing technologies and gives recommendations for how these developments can help achieve even better results when applied to the simple, at-home Shettles method - still the best way to conceive the boy or girl you always wanted.

With over one million copies sold, authors Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., Ph.D., and David M. Rorvik, a former Time magazine science and medicine reporter, offer new and exciting information on achieving even better results with the at-home Shettles method.

Take a LOOK inside the book!!

More Than 2 Million Sold Worldwide Now...Translated Into 20 Languages

Published in Family Circle magazine:

5-star rating

"A big thank you for having taken time to send me a photocopy of an article... “Now You Can Choose the Sex of Your Next Child” by David Rorvik and Landrum B. Shettles, M.D. I am happy to announce that it worked... My husband and I are the proud parents of the first girl in the Harrison family in 250 years."


What Scientists, Science Writers, And The Press Say About Dr. Shettles:

"In this... revision, some steps of sex selection have been refined or eliminated over the years, but the accurate determination of time of ovulation remains the basic tenet. The authors endorse the cervical mucus method for ovulation detection and consider other procedures as alternatives or additional means in achieving success. They attribute "traditionalists" reticence to providing sex-selection guidelines to a concern for ethical questions of “gendercide,” but they argue that most parents do consider sex selection to balance families. It is an alluring concept, judging by the popularity of previous editions. This updated and moderately priced version is highly recommended for public libraries."

—Mary Hemmings, Health Science Library,
McGill University, Library Journal


"A genius... ahead of his time."

—Albert Rosenfeld, former science editor of Life magazine


"His studies ... are classic examples of exceedingly valuable research. He has contributed greatly to our knowledge of oocytes and spermatozoa ... His in vitro fertilization of oocytes and culture of resulting embryos is a landmark in our insight into human embryo genesis."

— John Rock, M.D.,
one of the developers of the first birth-control pill


"He developed a technique for transplantation of a fertilized egg into a fallopian tube. Called gamete intrafallopian transfer, or GIFT, the technique is considered one of the significant developments in infertility research. It is used today for couples who have been unable to conceive using conventional in vitro fertilization techniques."

—New York Times, February 16, 2003


"An ingenious mind... superb technical ability."

—Dr. Alan F. Guttmacher, former national president
of Planned Parenthood-World Population


"One of the twentieth century’s titans in the field of female infertility."

—Robert Weil, Omni magazine

50+ Years Of Success... Translated Into 20 Languages

Foreign edition of how to choose the sex of your baby

Foreign edition of how to choose the sex of your baby

Foreign edition of how to choose the sex of your baby

Foreign edition of how to choose the sex of your baby

Celebrating 50+ Years In Print... 5 Decades and Going Strong!